The Meaning of Christmas

The meaning of Christmas is different for each person. For me, it’s time spent with family and thinking of others. This year, parts of California burned to the ground, leaving hundreds homeless. Our friend’s families who lost everything are just glad to be alive and together. We’ve sent help in many ways, but the best of ourselves went into this box. The kids and I made Christmas ornaments to help some families have a holiday and it made my heart glad to see Will and Claire put themselves into this.

The Women of NASA

It was Saturday morning and Claire came to me with tears in her eyes. “All the Lego people are boys! I lost the girls!”

“Guess what,” I said. “I have a set that’s all girls!” I went to the closet and got out the Women of NASA set I’d been saving for a rainy day. Together we read about these pioneering women of space and then, with Will’s help as parts manager, and my help as PM in charge of limiting Will’s involvement, Claire built the set. It was great for all of us.